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Free Wills Program

It could be the most important document you write.

We are talking about your Will.Wills1701-6inW

Writing a Will may be at the bottom of your to-do list, but financial and legal experts say that laying out your wishes can ensure your money goes where you want and may save your Estate from unnecessary expenses after you are gone. Drawing up a Will is one of the biggest financial planning steps you can take.

When people die without a Will, it is considered intestate (by definition “Having made no will”) and the courts will appoint an executor to administer an estate with the assets distributed according to the rules laid out provincially and not necessarily according to your desired wishes.

For many of us, we would prefer that our estate be distributed to areas important to us such as family members, good friends and charities that we believe in.  If you do not currently have a will or your current will is in need of an update, Island Prostate Centre can help through our affiliation with The Canadian Free Wills Network. The Canadian Free Wills Network will provide a valuable service to our most loyal donors by providing an opportunity to have a simple will prepared free for you if you are 55 years or older, (limited number to be provided in 2017) written at a discount rate through participating lawyers in Victoria and the lower mainland.

Please contact us if you would like to have a simple will written or updated at no cost to you. While there is no obligation that you include Island Prostate Centre in your Will, it is our hope that you will consider doing so, when you have your Will written for you.

Here is how it works:

When you advise us of your interest in accepting this free offer, we will provide your confidential contact information to the Canadian Free Wills Network.  They will contact you directly with a list of the participating lawyers/notaries in your area and you choose whom you wish to assist you with the preparation of your will. You then call the lawyer of your choice from the Network meet and prepare the necessary documents. The lawyer sends us the discounted legal bill and we pay it directly to the Network.  Island Prostate Centre has a limited budget for this program that will run in 2017 for loyal supporters of IPC.

For more information or to enroll in the Free Wills Program, Contact Karen Frost, Manager of Philanthropy at 250.388.0214 or philanthropy@islandprostatecentre.com or if you would like to see how you can support Island Prostate Centre in other ways, click here for options.

Happiest of Holidays from Island Prostate Centre

13-25-52-870_640Please note that Island Prostate Centre will be closed for the holiday season from Friday, December 23rd, 2016 to Monday, January 2nd, 2017 inclusive.

Wishing everyone the best for the holiday season with health and happiness in the new year!

You make a difference in the dash

At this time of the year, when we are busy getting ready for the Christmas season, it is also an opportunity to reflect back on the past year, which I suspect will be over in the next blink of the eye.

This past year has seen the development of new programs, the success of many of our events which added to our sustainability and many men who have benefited from our services. In short, we certainly got the job done.

But, the biggest reflection (and more of a sense of gratitude in actuality) is that behind all of the busy work being done, are these wonderful people who we are so fortunate to call our volunteers, quietly working away to help in any way they can.

A lot of times, there is no glamour or high recognition for this vital work. But that’s ok, they don’t expect it anyways.

I once read a paper titled “You make a difference in the dash”.   Love this and it makes so much sense!

Essentially, the author was saying that life is short.  On our headstones will be the etching of when we were born and the date when we died.  For example 1960 – 2050

The best part of the paper, and the piece that has stuck with me for years though, is that what matters is not the two years mentioned. It is the dash. That little dash.

That’s our life. That represents to me the short time we have, here, to make a difference, or not.

And making a difference means so many different things to so many people.  But for you, the volunteer, what you do during that dash is most significant.

It is so very true that without our strong core of volunteers, we simply could not exist.  We are a very small staff compliment but only strengthened by the sheer numbers of dedicated and passionate volunteers who help us in our daily work.

I wish I could mention every single person who has volunteered with us.  The lists of names would be amazing!

But I can say “THANK YOU” to each and everyone of you who played some part – whether big or small – in all of the successes we have seen this year.  You are all the backbone to this Centre and we are so fortunate, in a time when volunteers are hard to get, that you not only help but stick around as well.

It is so true that nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.  You all do something that makes a difference – please know that your little dash is helping in so many ways.

Leanne Kopp, Executive Director

“Shave it” or “Save it”?

movember-poster-1200sqRob Derkitt wants to raise $12,016 or more to shave his mustache off…or not…in support of the Island Prostate Centre.

He has had his mustache for 44 years but is willing to do something about it for prostate cancer!

Rob is offering prizes for the following:

  • Most $money pledged by a female
  • Most $money pledged by a male
  • Best mustache grown during the month of November

Once you donate, in the message section, tell us if you are wanting Rob to “Shave it” or Save it”. The vote (shave or save) with the most money raised will be the determining factor if the mustaches goes or stays!

Pledges can be made on-line until November 30, 2016.

Tax receipts will be issued for all donations.

Let’s help Rob do this!!


Country Grocer Men’s Health Day- Why Gary Thinks You Should Go

Image Gary Swan compressed 2“If I hadn’t had my PSA tested last year at Country Grocer Men’s Health Day, I don’t know what might have happened to me”, says Gary Swan, of his decision to attend Island Prostate Centre’s Men’s Health Day sponsored by Country Grocer in September of 2015.

Gary, who is 58 years old, has always taken care of himself; he can be found at the gym several times a week and has been proactive about disease prevention. He had his PSA tested regularly, especially since his father and uncle have both had prostate cancer. Still, when a friend from his gym reminded Gary about Country Grocer Men’s Health Day, he put it on his calendar to have his PSA levels tested again.

Gary’s test results showed an increase in his PSA levels so he immediately scheduled an appointment with his GP for follow up.

Gary’s GP administered a Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) and was able to feel that a distinctive lump had developed on his prostate gland. An immediate referral to a urologist meant a biopsy was scheduled within the month. When Gary got the call 8 days later that all of the 12 samples tested positive for prostate cancer, he remembers the moment being “like a wall coming down in front of me so hard, I had to step back”. This was a lot for Gary to process.

When he began to reach out to his support network, he was shocked by some of their replies: “Oh, you’ll never die from prostate cancer”, “If you’re going to get cancer, that’s the one to get”, or, “You’ll be fine”. Gary sure hoped he was going to be fine, but after hearing comments like these, he stopped talking about his diagnosis and kept it to himself. Like many men who are newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, he was filled with anxiety and apprehension. What Gary needed to hear was, “I’m here for you” from the people in his life. One of the most powerful messages he got was text from a friend that simply said “thinking about ya”.

After visiting Island Prostate Centre for a one-on-one private information session with our Registered Nurse, Gary elected for a nerve sparing prostatectomy (full removal of the prostate). Eight weeks to the day of the surgery, Gary got the good news from his urologist – the surgery was a success. His PSA level had gone from 5.4 to 0.008. With three grandchildren and two more on the way, this was the best possible news Gary could have received. Going forward, Gary will be closely monitored every three months for 2 years. Island Prostate Centre will continue to be here for Gary, with programs that offer support, information and further education on prostate health.

Back at the gym, Gary continues to be proactive about his health and lifestyle choices and is ready to start talking again. If Gary could share three things that he has learned from his prostate cancer journey, it would be these:
1) Be pro-active with your health. Exercise, eat well, and manage your stress.
2) Know your history and get your baseline PSA levels tested starting age 40.
3) Know the early signs of prostate cancer.

And guys, MEN DO DIE FROM PROSTATE CANCER – in Canada, over 4000 men die every year. Of the one in eight (1/8) BC men who will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, an estimated 600 will lose their lives to this disease. With early diagnosis, up to 90% of prostate cancer can be treated.

Please, consider attending Country Grocer Men’s Health Day. Know your PSA levels.  Click here for complete event information.

Have you been diagnosed with prostate cancer? Call Island Prostate Centre – we can help. All of our programs and services are free – no referral is necessary.