We know we
can’t run from prostate cancer so we are running for it!
Run with Us!
April has finally arrived in Victoria and along with the blossoms (finally!) and warmer air (well, sometimes!) comes the preparation and training for the Raymond James Father’s Day Walk/Run.
Did you know that our Early Bird price of $30 is open until April 18! Please run with us!
Running with us means that Island Prostate Centre can continue to deliver our top quality prostate survivorship programs. You are helping to empower men and their families to make the right treatment and health decisions for them and their families. When you run with us, you are surround by like-minded people who are running or walking for the same reason you are! One in Eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year – and you are raising valuable funds for IPC while doing it. Need help with some ideas of getting your fundraising going, click here for some really easy tips!
Running with us might not feel like you are saving lives, but tell that to Mike Heit! Your fundraising supports our early screening program. If Mike hadn’t attended our Country Grocer Men’s Health Day last September, he would not have known that for him, prostate cancer treatment was needed immediately.
Running just for running’s sake may not be enough reason to tie up those running shoes, but raising valuable funds for IPC might be great motivator to maintain your running/walking training plan! To put some fun into your fundraising, we have an amazing list of incentives from supporters in our community who care about men and the services available to them. Check it out!
If you are running with us for a very special reason, please share with us as your story may inspire others to participate. Remember, the early bird registration ends April 18 and with $150 raised, you can run with us on Father’s Day at no cost!
If you can’t run from it, run for it . . . run with us! Register today!