Did you know May 1 -7 is Mental Health Week? This national event takes to encourage people from all walks of life to learn, talk, reflect and engage with others on all issues relating to mental health.
So how does this relate to prostate cancer and the Raymond James Father’s Day Walk/Run?
Any serious illness can impact mental health. Receiving a potentially fatal diagnosis, going through treatment protocols, and learning to live with limitations can cause depression, as can side effects from some prostate cancer treatments. Island Prostate Centre is here to provide support to Vancouver Island men and their families when they are faced with a prostate cancer diagnosis.
IPC offers many free programs and supports to men and their families when they need them most. Those that have the largest impact on mental wellness our
- nurse support program
- monthly peer support meetings
- cost free psychological counselling
- volunteer led walking group
- cancer recover exercise program
It’s because of individual donors, sponsors and people like you who participate and fundraise for the Raymond James Father’s Day Walk/Run that we can offer these programs without any cost to the men who use them!.
PS and a “DID YOU KNOW” – Studies show that making donations, regardless of the size, is good for your mental health! A study by the National Institutes (in the US) monitored their subject’s brains and found that those who made donations to charities of their choice, had feel-good reactions in their brains. These happy feelings increased even more when there is an emotional attachment to a person who will benefit from the gift!
If you can’t run from it, run for it . . .run with us! Enjoy the great outdoors and boost your happy chemicals while raising funds for men with prostate cancer.
To register for the Father’s Day event, click here
Need more motivation to get involved, check out this year’s amazing prizes.