Just like eating our leafy greens and getting plenty of fresh air and exercise, volunteering can help keep us physically healthy. Studies have found that volunteers tend to become more active, can better cope with everyday tasks and have better thinking skills. Did you know that volunteers are even less likely to develop issues like depression, obesity and high blood pressure, too! Does this want to make you want to sign up right now??
Those same studies show that engaging with our community and helping others gives us those happy endorphin’s and then the more we give, the happier we end up feeling! What a deal! With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer, but adding a little more giving for a happier life is worth the time and effort.
Well, Island Prostate Centre is here for you – helping to make you feel better about yourself! We just happen to be looking for volunteers for the Raymond James Father’s Day Walk/Run on Sunday June 18 from 8am to noon, in roles such as Route Marshaling or helping at the Water Stations. Always remember that volunteering is even healthier for you when you’re having fun with it! We get that and that’s why we’ve got fun built right into our volunteer roles for this year’s Father’s Day event!
Here are just some of the fun benefits of volunteering with us on Father’s Day:
Your can spend time in some fresh air while cheering on runners and walkers
You can volunteer with your Dad on Father’s Day, or with a friend if you want to!
You can enjoy some live music and a free pancake breakfast
You can visit the propped-out photo booth for a portrait when you’re finished your shift
Sound like fun? Click here to volunteer for the Raymond James Father’s Day Walk/Run! We need your help and hey, we want you to be as healthy as you can be!